Keep up to date with all that's happening in Critical Care across the UK
November 2024
The 2nd National Critical Care Professional Nurse Advocate Webinar will take place on Monday 9th December 2024 09:00-15:00 hrs via Zoom
The webinar is free, and places can still be booked by using the link below:
2nd National Critical Care Professional Nurse Advocate Webinar Booking
To see programme follow >>>
The 2nd National Critical Care Professional Nurse Advocate Webinar will take place on Monday 9th December 2024 09:00-15:00 hrs via Zoom
The webinar is free, and places can still be booked by using the link below:
2nd National Critical Care Professional Nurse Advocate Webinar Booking
To see programme follow >>>
September 2024
The Professional Nurse Advocate: Role Implementation in Critical Care - Intensive Care Society 2024
Here is recently published guidance, led by the Intensive Care Society with support from CC3N around the implementation of the Professional Nurse Advocate role within Critical Care.
Here is recently published guidance, led by the Intensive Care Society with support from CC3N around the implementation of the Professional Nurse Advocate role within Critical Care.
September 2024
Best Practice Principles to Apply When Considering Moving Critical Care Nursing Staff to a Different Clinical Area (Version 3- 2024)
The best practice principles are an update on the 2022 version.
Best Practice Principles to Apply When Considering Moving Critical Care Nursing Staff to a Different Clinical Area (Version 3- 2024)
The best practice principles are an update on the 2022 version.
May 2024
UKCCNA Workforce optimisation plan
This three-year workforce optimisation plan (2024-2027) provides evidence-based standards for critical care registered nurse staffing. We provide the case for change, with a framework to support career development and a sustainable model for staffing, in order to improve nurse retention.
UKCCNA Workforce Optimisation Plan
UKCCNA Workforce Optimisation Plan - Slide Deck
UKCCNA Workforce optimisation plan
This three-year workforce optimisation plan (2024-2027) provides evidence-based standards for critical care registered nurse staffing. We provide the case for change, with a framework to support career development and a sustainable model for staffing, in order to improve nurse retention.
UKCCNA Workforce Optimisation Plan
UKCCNA Workforce Optimisation Plan - Slide Deck
August 2023 - Publication of revised CRITCON Levels
The Intensive Care Society have published an update to it’s Critcon Levels, with the intention for units to start using them in DoS by the 14th of August.
July 2023
NHS Elect, Critical Care Networks National Nurse Leads (CC3N) and NHS England Technology Enhanced Learning collectively were awarded a Highly Commended award in the Enhancing Workforce Engagement, Productivity and Wellbeing through Digital category for Digitising the Step 1 proficiencies – National framework for registered nurses in adult critical care. The NHSE Elect Team wanted to say a huge thank you to CC3N for all your hard work you put in to the project. The award would not have been possible without all your support. This is truly a collaborative award for you as leaders and all the team working on this. |
July 2023 - CC3N have now published guidelines for the Registered Nursing Associate role in Critical Care
** These guidelines have been removed as they are being reviewed alongside the RNA Competency document.***
** These guidelines have been removed as they are being reviewed alongside the RNA Competency document.***
May 19th 2023 - CCNERF publish the revised National Standards for Adult Critical Care Nurse Education V3 which includes the core curriculum and competency development for registered nurses working in the Critical care environment.
February 2023
BACCN / CC3N are hosting Professional Nurse Advocate in Critical Care Webinar on Tuesday 14th March, 10am - 3pm. Click here to find out more >>>>>
BACCN / CC3N are hosting Professional Nurse Advocate in Critical Care Webinar on Tuesday 14th March, 10am - 3pm. Click here to find out more >>>>>
January 2023
CC3N – Critical Care Network Lead Nurses National Group National Adult Critical Care Nursing Workforce Retention Survey Overview Report 2022 is now available. The survey was developed as a method of gathering both qualitative and quantitative self-reported data from nurses currently working on adult critical care units. All survey data collected was anonymous. The aim of the survey was to help gain better understand how nurses feel about their roles, focusing on factors that may affect their wellbeing and any intentions they may have to leave.
UKCCNA position statement on redeploying staff from critical care to other clinical areas.
CC3N – Critical Care Network Lead Nurses National Group National Adult Critical Care Nursing Workforce Retention Survey Overview Report 2022 is now available. The survey was developed as a method of gathering both qualitative and quantitative self-reported data from nurses currently working on adult critical care units. All survey data collected was anonymous. The aim of the survey was to help gain better understand how nurses feel about their roles, focusing on factors that may affect their wellbeing and any intentions they may have to leave.
UKCCNA position statement on redeploying staff from critical care to other clinical areas.
December 2022 - Launch of Critical Care Outreach Competencies
We are delighted to announce the publication of the Critical Care Outreach Practitioner (CCOP) Framework. This eagerly awaited competency-based document will facilitate the structured development and career progression of post registration Health Care Professionals (HCPs) working in critical care outreach or equivalent service, and introduce a system of credentialing recognised by CCOPs, hospital managers, clinical and educational commissioners, HEIs, national regulators and the public.
To access the competency documents click here >>>>
We are delighted to announce the publication of the Critical Care Outreach Practitioner (CCOP) Framework. This eagerly awaited competency-based document will facilitate the structured development and career progression of post registration Health Care Professionals (HCPs) working in critical care outreach or equivalent service, and introduce a system of credentialing recognised by CCOPs, hospital managers, clinical and educational commissioners, HEIs, national regulators and the public.
To access the competency documents click here >>>>
August 2022
Updated Best Practice Principles to Apply When Considering Moving Critical Care Nursing Staff to a Different Clinical Area Version 2 (Aug 2022) are now available
Updated Best Practice Principles to Apply When Considering Moving Critical Care Nursing Staff to a Different Clinical Area Version 2 (Aug 2022) are now available
July 2022
CC3N are pleased to share the National Competency Framework for Health Care Support Workers in Adult Critical Care Supportive Level (Band 2) & (Band 3). The Health Care Support Worker (HCSW) Critical Care core competencies have been designed to provide you with the core generic skills required to safely and professionally assist in the care of the critically ill patient in a general critical care unit, under the supervision of a registered nurse.
Please click on link to download.
Please click on link to download.
July 2022
Julie Platten stood down as Co Chair of CC3N at the Symposium in Birmingham. Julie will now move to be Deputy chair of the UKCCNA .
CC3N members are grateful to the hard work and leadership Julie has provided over the past 2 years and wish her well as she moves on to the next challenge. Karen Wilson will now become Chair of CC3N and Graham Brant will be her deputy. |
June 2022
These best practice principles to apply when caring for patients in single side rooms on critical care units have been developed by West Yorkshire Critical Care Network and have been endorsed by CC3N
CC3N (Critical Care National Network Nurse Leads) have revised the guidance for the use of Agency & Bank Staff in the Critical Care setting.
June 2022
The Intensive Care Society, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM) and UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance (UKCCNA) along with partner organisations continue to recommend adherence to minimum critical care staffing levels as laid out in the Guidelines for the Provision of Intensive Care Services (GPICS).
February 2002
CC3N are please to share the recently completed Professional Nurse Advocates in Critical Care Standard Operating Procedure.
CC3N are please to share the recently completed Professional Nurse Advocates in Critical Care Standard Operating Procedure.
November 2021
The Registered Nursing Associate Competencies are now available. These competencies have been designed to provide RNA's with the care skills required to care for critically ill patients under the supervision of a registered nurse.
The Registered Nursing Associate Competencies are now available. These competencies have been designed to provide RNA's with the care skills required to care for critically ill patients under the supervision of a registered nurse.
March 2021
The updated ICS Levels of Adult Critical Care - second edition have now been published
Statement of Good News from Critical Care Network Nurse Leads National Group (CC3N)
Today there has been official confirmation from the Department of Health and Social Care that there is to be a £10 million pounds of this funding is to be dedicated to develop a new, nationally recognised, critical care qualification.
Further information on this can be accessed via the link below
CC3N have been working collaboratively with HEE to secure this funding for the “new” nationally recognised, critical care qualification, which is built on the CC3N/CCNERF Educational Standards and includes the CC3N/CCNERF Step Competency Framework.
We wish to thank everyone for all their hard work with this and to thank Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for England and her team for supporting us in this project .
The updated ICS Levels of Adult Critical Care - second edition have now been published
Statement of Good News from Critical Care Network Nurse Leads National Group (CC3N)
Today there has been official confirmation from the Department of Health and Social Care that there is to be a £10 million pounds of this funding is to be dedicated to develop a new, nationally recognised, critical care qualification.
Further information on this can be accessed via the link below
CC3N have been working collaboratively with HEE to secure this funding for the “new” nationally recognised, critical care qualification, which is built on the CC3N/CCNERF Educational Standards and includes the CC3N/CCNERF Step Competency Framework.
We wish to thank everyone for all their hard work with this and to thank Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for England and her team for supporting us in this project .
February 2021
CC3N have published the Cardiac Speciality Competencies. These competencies are designed to be used in Cardiac Critical Care Units in conjunction with the National Competency Framework for Adult Critical Care Nurses
CC3N have published the Cardiac Speciality Competencies. These competencies are designed to be used in Cardiac Critical Care Units in conjunction with the National Competency Framework for Adult Critical Care Nurses
January 2021
CC3N have published Intermittent Haemodialysis Competencies for use alongside the National Critical Care Nurse Competency Framework in centres with on-site renal services, as defined as tier 1 or 2 centres in the ACC Renal Service Specification.
UKCCNA position Statement: Nursing Staffing during COVID 19
UKCCNA position Statement: Nursing Staffing during COVID 19