Forum Chairs |
Michaela Jones
Michaela joined the Critical Care Networks at the beginning of 2024 as Lead Nurse & Associate Director of North West London Critical Care Network. She has worked in critical care for over three decades where much of her career has been at UCLH, Cambridge and more recently in Southampton.
Michaela has always had a passion for education, training and leadership reflected in her previous roles as a Critical Care Matron and Senior Nurse for Education. She has been an active member of CC3Ns Critical Care Nurse Education Review Forum for many years. Michaela is a Council Member of the Intensive Care Society, the current chair of the Society’s Nurse Professional Advisory Group and a member of the UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance. She is an associate editor for the Journal of the Intensive Care Society and an associate chapter editor for the Guidelines for the Provision of intensive Care v3. Her key areas of interest remain education, training, and leadership for clinical excellence. Michaela jones |
Andrea Berry
CC3N Co-Chair |
Andrea started her Critical Care career in 1983 after qualifying at Victoria Hospital Blackpool. She has worked in critical care, both the UK and overseas for the past 40 years. She began working in the Critical Care Networks in 2007 when she was appointed Lead Nurse in Greater Manchester, a post she held for for 8 years. In 2015 she was appointed Manager/Lead Nurse in West Yorkshire in 2015 Critical Care & Major Trauma Network and in 2020 was asked to set up a Critical Care Network in South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw (SYB). In 2021 Andrea retired and returned to a part time position as Quality Improvement Lead Nurse in SYB.
Andrea has previously chaired CC3N, was the inaugural chair of the UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance (UKCCNA), has been a Council Member of the Intensive Care Society and has represented nursing on the Adult Critical Care Clinical Reference Group. She remains passionate about improving patient care and critical care nurse staffing. andrea berry |
Nicki Credland
CCNERF Co Chair |
Nicki Credland is a Reader in Critical Care at the University of Hull, England, UK.
She is a Fellow of the British Association of Critical Care (BACCN) after a six-year term of office as Chair of the organisation. She is now Chair of the UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance (UKCCNA). Nicki has significant experience and impact in education holding a Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2022. She was appointed Director for Education at the NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber during the Covid pandemic. Her national leadership over the pandemic was recognised by the Intensive Care Society with an “Outstanding Leadership” award. Nicki is an experienced critical care nurse working both in intensive care and critical care outreach. She has extensive experience of publication and conference presentation, speaks widely about the critical care nursing workforce and has contributed to a number of position statements and key documents around these issues. She is an associate editor for the ‘Nursing in Critical Care’ journal and sits on the editorial board for RCNi journals. Nicki Credland |
Karen Wilson
CCNERF Co Chair |
Karen is the Lead Nurse for Cheshire and Mersey Critical Care Network and has been in her network role for 7 years. She has many years experience of working as a critical care nurse, in a host of critical care nursing roles and in a variety of critical care units regionally and internationally. She has an extensive background in education and holds a teaching qualification and has held a number of nursing education roles within her career.
Karen has been previously Chair of National Critical Care Nurse Leads Group (CC3N), She has contributed to many national critical care standards, guidance and policies. She has represented critical care nursing on other national groups including the Adult Critical Care Clinical Reference Group (CRG) and United Kingdom Critical Care Nursing Alliance (UKCCNA). Karen is passionate about patient and relative experience, supporting the critical care workforce and their health and wellbeing. Karen is also a work-based coach and a Professional Nurse Advocate. She currently leads the National Critical Care Professional Nurse Advocate Community of Practice. Karen.Wilson |